E - Klasse 8 - Übung Nr. 3 - GreenButterSolutions

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E - Klasse 8 - Übung Nr. 3


1. Verbs with two objects. Be careful with the sentence structure. Don't forget to add 'to' or 'for' if necessary.

1.1. Catherine - me - the photos - last night - showed - .

1.2. a nice story - told - the Indians  - the sailors - .

1.3. bought - Haldane - his parents and his brothers - the house - .

1.4. me - it - gave - they

1.5. how the accident happened - the girls - just - have told - the policeman - .

1.6. the sailor - reported - how he got into trouble - his best friends - .

1.7. must - he - his brother - give  - the biro - ?

1.8. explained - them - the sports teacher - the rules - .

1.9. the boys and girls - writing - Joff's parents in Cyprus - are - a letter - .

1.10. sent - the secretary - the fax - them - .

1.11. the Myers - their car - Jonathan - sold - .

1.12. one - Maggie - him - bought - him - .

2. The gerund. Translate the following sentences into English. Then control your translation.

2.1. Sie hatten einige Mühe, ihn zu finden.

2.2. Bist du mit dem Zeitungslesen fertig?

2.3. Was weißt du von der Kunst, ein Buch zu schreiben?

2.4. Hast du etwas dagegen, dass ich das Fenster öffne?

2.5. Danke, dass du gekommen bist, Peter.

2.6. Im Squashspielen ist er sehr gut.

2.7. Wie wärs, wenn du mit mir die Hausaufgaben machst?

2.8. Anstatt uns zu helfen, gingen die Jungen ins Stadion.

2.9. Er steht nicht gerne früh auf.

2.10. Lohnt es sich, das Buch zu lesen?

2.11. Er schlägt vor, in die Disko zu gehen.

2.12. Ich gebe zu, das gesagt zu haben.

2.13. Er konnte es nicht vermeiden, Sue jeden Tag zu sehen.

2.14. Kinder wollen lieber spielen als arbeiten.

2.15. Letzte Woche hatte er die Gelegenheit nach Chester zu fahren.

3. The passive voice. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

3.1. My teacher called me a fool.

3.2. She has just opened the parcel.


3.3. The workers are repairing the bridge.

3.4. Our aunt will take good care of the baby.

3.5. Peter gave the dog some meat.

3.6. The teacher told the children a nice story.

3.7. You can see many Roman remains in Chester.

3.8. My father will sell our house next year.

3.9. Lots of people in Germany speak English.

3.10. After they had buried him, they went home.

4. Contact clauses. Join the two sentences. Find out whether a contact clause is possible or not. If a contact clause must not be used, fill in

the relative pronoun required. Don't use 'that'. Write the sentences before you check your answer.

4.1. I met a boy. The boy was Haldane.

4.2. Maggie painted the picture. You can see the picture in my gallery.

4.3. I've bought a new car in Swansea. This is the new car.

4.4. He copied the homework. The homework was wrong.

4.5. The blue Mercedes overturned at the next bend. It was speeding.

4.6. Do you see the pretty woman? She was at Joff's party yesterday.

4.7. My professor loved the car so much. It had a crash last summer.

4.8. He's cleaning the car. Its bumper is deformed.

4.9. The road conditions were very poor. The driver blamed them for the accident.

4.10. He is playing with the cat. The cat is his aunt's.

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